IGS Champions: More than a Customer

Ishi Leonatti
Inbound Sales Representative
Taking inspiration from a Maya Angelou quote – People will forget what you said; people will forget what you did; but people will never forget how you made them feel. – Ishi works hard to connect with each customer she speaks to. “I find that this is an opportunity to connect with people in a way that feels satisfying, productive, and awesome.”
Realizing that tough inbound calls can be triggered by a feeling or an emotion, Ishi immediately puts herself into the same emotional space as the customer and offers reassurance that they will work through the problem together to get to the “we fixed it!” point by the end of the call. “It’s important to me to make sure that the customer feels that they are more than a customer, because at the end of the day, we all owe each other more than a service,” Ishi said.
More than a customer.
While speaking with a particular customer, Ishi learned that the customer’s husband had recently passed away. It was a solemn call — one that Ishi wasn’t expecting. In “Ishi style”, she put herself in her customer’s emotional state and cried with the woman on the phone. After the call, Ishi sent the customer some media that had helped her deal with grief at one point in her life. The customer was so moved by this gesture that she called Ishi when she received it in the mail and let her know that it had helped her begin her grieving process.
Our commitment to you matters.
Our commitment to our customers, our communities, and our people is to be transparent, loyal, connected, reliable, and caring. People like Ishi help fill the IGS Customer Solutions Centers with passionate, dedicated people, who are ready to listen to and help our customers whenever they need it.
At IGS Energy, we stand by our word, and that word is commitment. Our customers are the reason we’re here doing what we do every single day. So whether you’re a current customer with a question or issue, a potential customer who is curious about our product offerings, or just someone curious about the energy industry, we’re here to help.
Give us a call, shoot us a note, or find us on social media.