4 Power Outage Solutions for Businesses

Powering up the office printer. Flipping on the lights. Cranking the AC. A few of the many daily activities requiring power that we all take for granted at the office every day. But what happens during a power outage, or even worse, a natural disaster that compromises the grid for an extended period of time? Do you have a power outage solution for your business?
Let’s break down how to prepare for an power outage, along with a few of the more common solutions to consider when it comes to power storage.
Preparing for an outage
According to Ready.gov, a public preparedness campaign through the Department of Homeland Security, taking inventory of the critical items requiring electricity at your business is vital. For health care providers, a listing of refrigerated medications (and required temperatures) and medical devices requiring power like power scooters should also be included.
To prepare for the possibility of an extended grid disruption, you may want to consider investing in one of these power outage solutions for your facility, too.
Power interruption options
Energy storage can be a great solution for keeping your business energized during periods of short- or long-term grid interruption. Backup power uses energy from either generation sources on your property (such as solar or combined heat and power) or even off-site systems (such as microgrids, which can disconnect from the traditional grid and operate alone as needed, powered by energy storage sources like batteries).
We’ll highlight a few of the more common power backup options, along with a solution to protect your sensitive electronics.
1. Solar Power
Solar can provide the consistency of daily power as well as serve as an emergency backup energy source. When you install a solar battery as part of your installation, you can store excess solar electricity at your business, instead of sending it back to the grid.
2. Wind Power
Wind power may be a good backup option at the individual, small business, or even public facility level. It’s important to do your homework when it comes to wind turbine installation, as there may be permitting limitations in your area.
3. Battery Backup
Batteries can complement energy generation sources such as solar and wind and can even be powered with generators using diesel or natural gas. Batteries vary in size and type. It is important to be aware of the typical cost, capacity, and estimated lifespan associated with each when making a decision. For example, lead acid batteries tend to be a cheaper option than lithium, for example, but tend to have a shorter lifespan.
4. Surge Protection
While backup power can be vital during power outages, the importance of safeguarding your electronics with surge protection is crucial, too. It can help to prevent damage to expensive equipment during electrical surges that can occur during severe weather.
Protecting your safety, security, and peace of mind
In addition to the obvious advantage of ensuring power is there when your business needs it, having energy storage available can even reduce recovery time for first responders during natural disasters, with lighting and power readily available.
Taking the time to plan for an emergency by making sure your organization’s needs are accounted today for can be a beneficial investment in your peace of mind (or even your bottom line) tomorrow.
Learn more about energy efficiency and storage here