Living Up to Our Promise: IGS Energy Signs The Climate Pledge

Apr 20, 2021

We're excited to announce IGS Energy has signed The Climate Pledge, a global call to signatories to take collective action on the world's greatest crisis.

Now is the time to start making changes for good.

Late last summer, we announced our goal of becoming completely carbon neutral by 2040. Since then, we've made significant changes to the way we do business and to our offerings for our customers.

Today, IGS Energy is proud to announce that we've signed The Climate Pledge — a global call to signatories to take collective action on the world's greatest crisis and to work together to build a safe and healthy planet for the next generations. As greenhouse gas emissions climb higher each year — due in part to spiking demand for electricity — we've come to realize our responsibility to the health of our planet and to future generations.

The Climate Pledge is a commitment to fundamentally changing the way we do things as an energy company. It's change in action consistent with our goal of energy independence and sustainability.

We're not satisfied with just talking about climate change. We're fighting it with grit, muscle and brains. We are intentional about our purpose to build a sustainable energy future and doing what's best for all our stakeholders over the long run.

As a signatory of The Climate Pledge, we've joined companies across the world in committing to challenging actions and shifts in the way we do business. We stand with Amazon, Global Optimism and the other signatories of The Climate Pledge in a commitment to being net zero carbon by 2040 — 10 years ahead of The Paris Agreement.

We've agreed to lofty goals based on science and hard data. They are difficult to achieve, yet impossible to ignore. These goals include:

  • Measure and report greenhouse gas emissions on a regular basis.
  • Implement decarbonization strategies in line with the Paris Agreement through real business change and innovation, including efficiency improvements, renewable energy, materials reductions and other carbon emission-elimination strategies.
  • Take actions to neutralize any remaining emissions with additional, quantifiable, real, permanent and socially beneficial offsets to achieve net zero annual carbon emissions by 2040.

These are bold, tangible goals that beg for hard work, sacrifice, commitment and resolve. And we hope other companies will join us and our fellow Climate Pledge signatories by putting an end to our collective inaction on climate change — instead putting real force behind our words.

Together with businesses and consumers alike, we can and must achieve these goals. Join us and let's go green for good.